Pixel graphics include JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, and BMP to list a few. These files can be created or edited using Adobe PhotoShop or another compatible application. For best results in printing pixel graphic files, save files as TIFF or EPS and do not use compression. If this is not possible, a 0% (lossless) compression JPEG is probably the next best alternative.

When taking digital photographs that you intend to print or use in your designs, once again use the TIFF file format. If you only have the option of JPEG use lossless compression or the highest quality image setting possible. This way, you set yourself up for much higher quality results when you print your photographs or designs.

When working in Adobe PhotoShop please be aware that some halftone, transfer functions, line screen and dot shape options may look good on the screen but these may not print properly. When using the silhouette tool save the clipping path with a flatness of at least 7 and keep points to a minimum. When creating gradients or blends add a Gaussian noise of 2 to reduce banding.

Prepare files for printing and files for the web by converting printing files to CMYK mode (assuming file is to be printed in four colour) and web files to RGB mode. We recommend a resolution of all graphics files to be not less than 300dpi.

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